About Us
RudraAbhishek Event

At Rudraabhishek Event, we believe that every celebration is a reflection of emotions, traditions, and unforgettable moments. With a passion for perfection and an eye for detail, we transform your dreams into beautifully orchestrated events.

  • 5 Years of Experience

  • 27+ Wedding Planner

Anshika Gupta And Rambha Yadev
Wedding Planner
Rudra . Abhishek .Event
RudraAbhishek Events

At Rudraabhishek Event, we believe that every celebration is a reflection of emotions, traditions, and unforgettable moments. With a passion for perfection and an eye for detail, we transform your dreams into beautifully orchestrated events.

1. Lucknow
{September : 2024}

Anshika Gupta

2. Lucknow
{October : 2020}

Rambha Yadev

{November : 2022}

Suchi Yadev

{December : 2020}

Roli Yadev

Our Senior
Wedding Team

Jesica | Event Planner

Wedding inilla duiman at elit finibus viverra nec a lacus in the nesuzin sinem misuscit non sesue in miss the aucan volus.

Event nissuam nestibulum duru quam nec odio elementum ceisue the misso varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis monte. Donec tuis in the velition florya id velit ac in the miss arcu posuere blane.

Patricia | Wedding Planner

Wedding inilla duiman at elit finibus viverra nec a lacus in the nesuzin sinem misuscit non sesue in miss the aucan volus.

Event nissuam nestibulum duru quam nec odio elementum ceisue the misso varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis monte. Donec tuis in the velition florya id velit ac in the miss arcu posuere blane.

Wedding Questions

Questions aliquet orci elit gene tristique in lorem dream vitae. Aliquam tincidunten felis sed gravida aliquam neque libero hendrerit mana the amentane the mollis lacus quam maurisine erase.

Wedding inilla duiman at elit finibus viverra nec a lacus in the nesuzin senenoice misuscit non sesue the aucan volus.

  • How do I plan a wedding in three months?
    Wedding aliquet orci elit gene tristique in lorem dream vitanem alisuam tincidunten felis sedat bir ravida alisuam neque liberta hendrerit manas the amentane the mollis erase.
  • Do we need a wedding planner?
    Wedding aliquet orci elit gene tristique in lorem dream vitanem alisuam tincidunten felis sedat bir ravida alisuam neque liberta hendrerit manas the amentane the mollis erase.
  • How should you deal with wedding stress?
    Wedding aliquet orci elit gene tristique in lorem dream vitanem alisuam tincidunten felis sedat bir ravida alisuam neque liberta hendrerit manas the amentane the mollis erase.
  • How do you plan a destination wedding?
    Wedding aliquet orci elit gene tristique in lorem dream vitanem alisuam tincidunten felis sedat bir ravida alisuam neque liberta hendrerit manas the amentane the mollis erase.
  • What stationery do I need for my wedding?
    Wedding aliquet orci elit gene tristique in lorem dream vitanem alisuam tincidunten felis sedat bir ravida alisuam neque liberta hendrerit manas the amentane the mollis erase.
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